The last two Christmases our family has called the Kona coast of Hawaii our home. This year was the first that we spent with family here in California and we found ourselves at Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas Eve where, to the kid's shock and awe, Santa Claus arrived with a bag of toys for the kids to unwrap.

"A right jolly old elf..."

It was fun to have our special guest that evening where we spent dinner with family and friends opening gifts and enjoying company and conversation that we have missed in years past. We left around eight o'clock in order for us to get home and for the kids to settle in their beds for a long winter's nap! Santa still had things to do while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads!

The next morning the kids awoke to a wonderment of gifts. Darby shows off her new pink and purple wrapping of her leg. It should heal quickly, despite her one-legged-ness she hops around the entire house because it is faster than the use of crutches.

I awoke to breakfast in bed... which is probably one of my favorite gifts of the day! Daddy and the kids had spent the morning making bacon, eggs, sausage, biscuits and for me a cup of hot apple cider. I love my family! After breakfast we all set out to the living room to sift through the pile of gifts under the tree.

Darby began the unwrapping with the first present and she was determined not to rip the paper because it was so pretty. She really wanted to keep it. We were all to impatient at this request and let her know whether or not she ripped it, it was still headed for the garbage.

She was happy to get a few gifts to make cards with mommy, using her OWN supplies!

Dennis was surprised to find a new quick shot camera to use while we travel to Bali this spring. I was happy to receive all of my underwater camera gear for my Nikon D300 including a new fish eye lens, strobes, dome lens, macro lens and housing. I am going to be donning my new 5mm wet suit soon and diving in the pool to get used to all of the amazing work I'll be able to photograph. I just have to be familiar with all of the gadgetry and the use underwater before I make any real dives.

Austin got some new books, including one on King Tut, that he had asked for. He also received a video camera as he had been asking to make videos with his friends.

Dennis was famously displaying his "naughty" cap all day...

Darby was excited to find a lizard she named Gary from her very good friend Ru.

They opened a gift from my sister and brother which turned out to be...

no less than...

a scuba diving nutcracker! I don't know where she found that one but I'm impressed!

My stocking was stuffed with...



and more socks! I think Santa knew I was in short supply!

Dennis found himself a naughty nerd... We all had a fantastic day!

The day before Dennis and I spent the morning and afternoon making my grandmama's fudge and my mother's recipe of almond toffee. Austin got caught this evening with his hand in the "cookie" ..er.. refrigerator jar!

Yummmy! Happy Holidays!